Body Types
Ok, Not everyone agrees that there are body types. I’ll tell you what I think I know and if you don’t like it….
EndoMorph – This is the shitty one. The characteristics are wide hips, wide clavicles, slow metabolism, short, with what I see as estrogen imbalance in men, and PCOS as a final product or diabetes in women. There are no advantages to this but the frame is perfect for heavy weight. This is the body type which is ideal for POWERLIFTING
MesoMorph – This is the great one. You should wish you die and come back as one of these, or a super hot chick’s sex toy. Big muscles, low bodyfat, masculine features, testosterone dominant and all the glorious advantages, medium height and hips. Structure is Aesthetic but durable. Either beautiful or rugged depending on a few other factors and how you eat and train. This is an attractive body type to women, and it elicits a involuntary sexual response in a lot of them. This body type is best for being a BODYBUILDER. Anabolics and prohormones work in a nutshell by making you as mesomorphic as possible. Your bone structure is fixed but your metabolism and face aren’t.
EctoMorph – This is the pretty one. This body type is very attractive on women. Narrow hips, narrow clavicles, long limbs, long torsos, slight joints which hurt when heavy weight is used. I believe they have an issue secreting insulin and thats why they gain weight so slow and have such a fast metabolism. This is the Ideal Body type for MEN’s PHYSIQUE.
So the Idea is to be as close to the middle (meso) as possible, since that’s the balanced one.
So the Idea is to be as close to the middle (meso) as possible, since that’s the balanced one.
Endo – High Test, High Estrogen, Insulin Secreting
Meso – High Test, Low Estrogen, Insulin Sensitive muscles
Ecto – Moderate Test, Low estrogen, minimal Insulin
The More testosterone the more muscular and masculine you will look. The more estrogen the fatter you get in theory, but estrogen also helps the muscle growth process. (click here for more on that).
The endomorph needs to reduce his estrogen and insulin if he wants to lose fat or even put on lean mass. The reason why the process is so hard is the endomorphs GI system is what develops first during embryogenesis. During the first couple weeks of pregnancy the cells of the dividing and replicating fertilized egg divide into 3 different layers, the ecto, endo, and meso layers. The meso develops first in a mesomorph, it is the one which generates the muscles and skeleton. The ecto layer develops first in the ectomorph, this is skin, hair, eyes, and nervous system. The endo layer, the one that develops first for the endomorph, is the Gastro Intestinal (GI) system. Since this is the dominant system it is very very good at getting the most out of what an endomorph eats. More nutrient absorption results in better storage and growth, because more of what an endomorph eats makes it to his blood, more insulin is released. As i mentioned in my Insulin Sensitivity article the higher the insulin the higher percentage of consumed calories get stored as fat. the higher the body fat the higher the insulin resistance of the muscles and the great the % of calories that go to fat in an ever increasing downward spiral. The second downward spiral is as fat levels rise more of the testosterone produced gets converted to estrogen and the higher the estrogen levels the more fat is stored. so its exponentially detrimental every 5 lbs of fat you gain, with both mechanisms it makes it a very steep slope indeed to ever increasing body fat.
To combat this one needs to eat very few carbohydrates and keep his metabolism up through proper diet and training which i will discuss in the other articles pertaining to Stocky Guys.
The Prohormones the stocky guy uses should be dry not wet to avoid the possibility of estrogen conversion.
Prohormones for Stocky Guys
Kind of how the Skinny Guys want to get big, and should use the classic mass building cycle, a Stocky Guy should want to minimize the amount of fat that he gains while lean mass building and has to use every trick under the sun to get the fat off while cutting. As I mentioned above they have the perfect hormones for growth, high testosterone, estrogen, and insulin. All three of these build muscle, but estrogen and insulin also build fat. Because they have high levels of all three gaining weight for them is super easy, but the weight will never be all muscle no fat and water without some hormone manipulation. Most of the principles that apply to a stocky guy or endomorph also apply to women, but of course women shouldn’t play around with male hormones.
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