For this you want wet prohormones because estrogen helps you grow! For more on that click here. These cycles are not for fat loss or strength, they are for filling your muscles with water and lubricating your joints so you can handle tons of volume with heavy weights without your body taking damage, and of course growing more muscle. Wet cycles are the healthiest and a lot of women prefer the puffy look to the hard chiseled look, so you’r not doomed to a super horny dry spell. When I think I look my worst at the height of an off season I get tons of compliments, just from different people than pre-contest.Step One : Testosterone Base
4-Andro Is the test base for a cheap prohormone cycle
4-Andro is the prohormone to testosterone it is not methylated and not toxic. It will have all the same POTENTIAL side effects of normal testosterone. These side effects come from estrogen and DHT. These are what testosterone turns into. Estrogen in addition to the muscle building properties also help with sex drive, cholesterol, joint,and bone health but cause water and fat gain. Intramuscular fat stretches the fascia, facilitating growth mechanically and by increasing hydraulic pressure in the fascia you can handle more weight and thus are technically stronger and will grow faster that way as well. It can cause breast growth called Gynecomastia but if DHT is in proper balance this shouldn’t be a problem. DHT causes aggression, instant strength, Sexual function and sensation/pleasure. This is the best cure for female sexual dysfunction, women orgasm super easy on winstrol or Anavar, both DHT derivatives. Of course, DHT is the main masculinizing hormone, so men may lose hair and get acne, women may become men over time. But Anavar is so popular because women can use 5-10 mg a day and suffer no side effects, just have crazy sex drive, orgasms, increase in fat loss and the plethora of other great thingsAnavar does. The closest legal thing to Anavar is Epi-1-Test.
Thus to maintain sexual function you have to have some testosterone estrogen and DHT, not a lot but some. For this reason every cycle MUST have either a test base (4 AD) or a natural booster like Natadrol or Rise and Swell. Since for growth “test is best” and this is a bulking phase you should use 4-Andro!
If you’re prone to gyno use either Natadrol or Rise and Swell instead. Rise and Swell is a natural test booster and sexual enhancer and Natadrol is 4 chinese herbs 2 for natural test boosting, 1 is a SARM, and the last strengthens your joints, your bones, is an adaptogen, and a cortisol blocker and a nutrient partitioner. For a more detailed description on Natadrol click here!
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