Liquid Labs Ma
Liquid Labs Ma is the closest legal thing I could make to the legendary Masteron.
Masteron is the classic pre contest anabolic. It’s an injectable version of DHT, with a 2’ modification which prevents it from being broken down inside the muscle. This modification in theory makes masteron a muscle builder, but since you’re cutting and in a calorie deficit you’re not going to be growing muscle.
That makes that 2’ modification useless.
If you werent also running Te or Pr or Tr with Ma then it would be relevant but I designed the stacks to work like illegal injectables and that way you just use the legal Liquid Labs version instead of, or with, your usual illegal gear.
For this reason it isn’t relevant that Ma doesn’t have the 2’ modification that masteron does, you never take Ma or masteron by itself anyway! Its a tertiary compound added to a test (Te, or Pr) and Tren (Tr) cycle, because its purpose is to act as a hardener, not a mass builder. Like Ive NEVER heard of anyone trying to build on Masteron.
Ma does the following:
- Ma Increases Strength so you can handle heavy weights while cutting, this preserves muscle tissue indirectly through MGF expression mid workout
- Ma Increases aggression. THis makes it a perfect addition to your Wyked 2.1 Pre workout to amplify its effects. Yes when I designed Wyked I did have Ma and Wi in mind to eventually be taken together. All of this has been planned for the better part of a decade.
- Ma drives nutrients into your muscle. Many of you know how intricate the Mind and Muscle product line is, what you didn’t know is that the Liquid labs line is the missing piece to the puzzle. All the NON- increasing tricks I used with Rise and Swell and Wyked 2.1 was intended to help Me get to the muscle and shuttle in the carbs and protein from your diet. Its a chain reaction of swoleness! Ma drives Creatine, amino acids, carbohydrates and Halftime into the muscle making it dimond hard and ready to grow. Further more increasing the water within the cells cause them to be stronger heal faster and split forming new muscle cells with the help of Wicked’s amplification of IGF-1 function on satellite cells and cell splitting.
- Ma Like Form XT, Wi, and Eq has a built in Aromatase Inhibiting feature. This means not only is Ma as dry as the Sahara, it makes whatever cycle you add it to drier!
- Ma increases clarity of thinking and logical decision making.
- Ma may increase blood flow to the penis increasing size and hardness. Add in the extra aggression and strength…
- Ma may cause hair loss in some people. 50% of men are predisposed genetically to hair loss and those men are going to lose their hair regardless. Ma would just accelerate teh process while on cycle. Honestly you not going to lose that much hair in a 4 or 8 week cycle. But If you want to grow more hair or regrow lost hair, check out my advanced hair regrowth method.
Now like any Prohormone you need a Post Cycle Therapy lined up and a On Cycle Therapy or Test Base for your cycle. Rise and Swell is perfect for providing you both On cycle and Post Cycle therapy and supplying a ‘Test Base’. Or you can use Liquid Labs Te while on cycle for your test bases.
Regardless you definitely should pick up a bottle of Form XT for after our cycle, this is the root of your PCT.
For the absolute best results get the Mind and Muscle basic or Advanced Cutting Stack! It comes with theAdvanced Cut Diet and Advanced Cut Workout, critical components to achieve the rock hard chiseled physique you always wanted!!
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