Friday, June 19, 2015

Leptin Diet

Leptin is a hormone that is released from fat cells when they are happy. When calorie intake is sufficient for daily energy needs the fat cells release leptin to stop food cravings. The key to having high leptin is keep your calories high and use a ton of exercise to drive yourself into a calorie deficit. The Leptin Diet has nothing to do with this, its just another fad diet designed to get you to buy appetite suppressants off this person’s web site.

Fad diets like the Leptin Diet have been popping up for decades. Some of them rely on a concept, like low carbs, others on timing like intermittent fasting. All diets have 3 components; the food (Blood Type, Paleo) , how much (Atkins, Keto), and when (Carb Back Loading, Intermittent Fasting). Not all fad diets account for these 3 variables. For instance the Atkins diet is a zero carb diet, but does not take into account how much food you eat or when you eat what. SHTUPID!

Most importantly not all diets are right for all goals: any diet will work to get a sedentary out of shape person less fat, but few of these diets are acceptable for anyone who wants to look good naked.

If you want a diet to get you as close to perfect as your genes will allow, use either my free 30 day transformation diet or one of my Advanced Meal Plan: Advanced Mass Meal Plan or Advanced Cut Meal Plan.

And to get the best results either use one of the plethora of free workouts or use my Advanced Cut Training or my Advanced Mass Training.

The Leptin Diet

This is nothing special, just general guidelines on how to not get fatter and to gradually make yourself smaller, not necessarily drop your body fat below normal. With one of these basic Mickey Mouse diets you can get down to about 20% body fat for men and 30% for women, then as you lose fat you lose muscle with it, so you get smaller and lighter but don’t get leaner, (lower body fat). To do that you need to lift weights and probably eat a little more sophisticated.

It’s completely asinine to call this diet the “Leptin Diet” Leptin is a buzz word in the media and this guy Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist is just cashing in on his books on leptin with diet guidelines like any clever marketing department would do, slap his name on some bullshit and give him a check for it.

Leptin is the hormone which is released by your fat cells when your calories are high enough so that your not craving high calorie foods. as lipid drops cravings increase. the premise of this diet is it keeps leptin high and thus you’re less likely to cheat on your diet.

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