Which Prohormones are Legal?
4-Andro – This converts to Testosterone and works just like HRT you would get from your doctor. Like normal testosterone it converts to 20% DHT and 20% Estrogen in the average man, leaving only 60% testosterone left. For this reason it’s great for bulking or to keep a ‘Testosterone Base’ present so you can maintain normal male hormones. Rather then going hog wild with 4-Andro, I would stick to the recommended dosing to avoid side effects from to much estrogen or DHT.1-Andro – 1-Andro is the king of prohormones. It cannot convert to testosterone, it converts to 1-Testosterone. Whats the difference? 1-Testosterone cannot convert to Estrogen or DHT. This means there is no logical reason there would be side effects or shutdown. It is just pure muscle building which works better than some SARMS! Unlike 4-Andro, You can take as much of this as you want in theory, but certainly taking more than the recommended amount will cause some HPTA shutdown and require PCT. I myself would do 5-8 servings per day.
pBold – This is a prohormone to the popular anabolic agent boldenone AKA EQ or Equipoise. It is fantastic for joint health and for gains when you KNOW your prone to hair loss. pBold cannot convert to DHT so like 1-Andro is the best option for guys like me who lose their hair on a DHT or Dry cycle. Think of this as a wet or bulking version of 1-Andro. In fact, the DHT version of boldenone is 1-Testosterone, making it a 1-Testosterone prohormone like 1-Andro is. But with pBold you get extra benefits of Estrogen receptor down regulation and joint health!
Decavol – This is a prohormone which helps you convert your food into muscle not fat. Perfect as an ADDITION to any cycle and useful by itself with no need for PCT as it does not convert to a sex hormone like testosterone or estrogen.
Epiandro – This is a prohormone to DHT. It will increase fat burning, harden your muscles by driving water into them and out of your skin, give you aggression, mental clarity, strength, and also inhibits aromatase making any cycle you add it to dryer. It can cause hair loss in 50% of men so if your one who is losing your hair use 1-Andro and/or pBold on your next cycle.
17-ProAndro – Like EpiAndro it converts to DHT but from a different pathway and 17-ProAndro is active as its prohormone form for muscle building and estrogen receptor down regulation. Thus its great for mass or cutting! Like EpiAndro your going to see increased strength, aggression, clarity, confidence, fat burning, and muscle definition but you may lose hair.
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