Thursday, July 2, 2015

Testosterone Propionate and Winstrol Legal Alternatives

Two of the best cutting steroids are Testosterone Propionate and Winstrol. The test prop forms your testosterone base which keeps your hormone level where you want for muscle preservation and sexual function, and the winstrol burns fat and makes you stronger so you can keep your muscle while cutting the calories.
These two illegal steroids are the tried and true classics from decades past. But now there are legal and needle free alternatives!
LG Sciences 17 Pro Andro17 Pro Andro + 1-Andro is the ideal prohormones to run a cutting cycle, It’s like taking testosterone and winstrol. The only difference is that it is even better! To really get the exact effect of mixing test and winstrol you can use4-Andro and 17 Pro Andro. But, It will be wetter since 4-Andro converts to testosterone and 20% of testosterone is degraded to estrogen by the aromatase enzyme. This means more estrogen and a less effective cutting cycle. For this reason I suggest you use the 1-andro as its a dryer compound (no estrogen) and youll have a more successful cut cycle.
1-Andro does not convert to estrogen or DHT, so there are no side effects except possible shut down, 17 Pro-Andro does convert to DHT and not into testosterone or estrogen. This means with 1-Andro and 17 Pro Andro you get 2 prohormones that convert into a blend of 1-test and DHT, as dry as a cycle can get. Not a trace of estrogen.
We all know wet is great for bulking as the estrogen helps with growth (for more on that click here). But for cutting you don’t want any estrogen at all. The reason is because estrogen causes you to store fat and not burn fat, the opposite of what you want while cutting.
So to replace the illegal drugs testosterone prop and winstrol with legal safe prohormones, use 1-Andro and 17 Pro Andro!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

SARMs: Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators

What is a SARM?

A SARM is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator.  This is a fancy way of saying that it binds to androgen receptors in the body in different tissues differently, and thus acts different than testosterone.  For instance most SARMs are marketed as a way to build muscle side effect free legally. But this isn’t the case.
S-4 is an older SARM. It has a 3:1 anabolic to androgenic ratio. THis isnt that good and is worse than many of the illegal drugs out there. SO people buy it thinking it’s legal. But it isn’t.
So using S-4 as a legal alternative to illegal drugs is unwise and illogical since it’s not legal! Since its not that specific for muscle you might as well use a real legal prohormone like 1-Andro. 1-Andro has a better anabolic to androgenic ratio than S-4 and its Legal. Additionally some vision disturbances have been reported with S-4, but this is likely because it’s cut with clomiphene when you get it on the black market.
Ostarine is another overhyped product. People are buying it because it’s being marketed as a legal alternative to prohormones. the irony is Ostarine is Illegal and the prohormones are the legal ones! How funny is that! All these gullible fools are buying something less effective and more harmful to your testicals than real steroids all because they think it is legal. When it doesn’t build muscle in human studies but 1/8th of a supposedly effective dose will cause some shutdown!
1-Andro is superior to both S-4 and Ostarine.  It causes more side effect free muscle gain, less shutdown and is LEGAL. Honestly there is nothing else to say on the matter, you would be a fool to use either of the other 2 illegal products over 1-andro unless being on the receiving end of a prison sentence sounds fun.

Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside.  The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only.  All claims are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise.  Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Blackstone Labs Alpha 1 Max Review

Blackstone Labs Alpha 1 Max is an illegal anabolic steroid and Black Stone labs is telling consumers they are legal prohormones.

Why it’s Illegal

Alpha 1 MAx is a methylated version of our 1-Androstenolone. This makes its stronger and more effective, but it also makes it very liver toxic. Steroids are broken down when swallowed, that’s why they are typically injected. One way around this is to methylate the steroid at the 17 position. This makes the steroid survive the first pass liver metabolism, but it hurts the liver in the process. That’s why the government made all ‘prohormones’ with a 17 methyl group illegal. To protect you from evil bullshit marketing.

What’s the Legal Version

1-Andro is the legal version of Alpha 1 Max, after all they just took 1-andro and methylated it! LG Sciences, Liquid Labs, and AMS are the main companies that make 1-Andro and I can vouch for the Liquid Labs Pr as I co-wrote the formula. AMS 1-Andro is 100% legal and I personally ran the double blind crossover study which proved it had no negative effects to liver, kidney, or any other organ system.


With any prohormone or anabolic steroid it is important to take on cycle and or post cycle therapy. I developedRise and Swell to protect your testes on cycle and help you get your natural test back up to snuff post cycle. Additionally it’s important to use a great combination product of an Aromatase Inhibitor and an Estrogen Blocker with Form XT and or Arom X. These with Rise and Swell get your testosterone up to its highest natural level post cycle so you get to keep your gains!
What are you waiting for? Get your 1-Andro right now and don’t forget your Form XT and Rise and Swell and save yourself the liver failure alpha 1 Max offers.
Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside.  The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only.  All claims are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise.  Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Natural Myostatin Inhibitor

In this day and age, one of the most talked about words in fitness is myostatin inhibitors. Myostatin is also called Growth Differentiation Factor 8(GDF-8). It is synthesized by muscle cells to inhibit myogenesis. Myogenesis is just a fancy term for muscle growth. While the average gym goer probably doesn’t care, athletes and bodybuilders know this is a new frontier to unlimited muscle growth far beyond that of the potential of growth hormone, insulin, and anabolic steroids. Bodybuilders in particular are interested because they know that inhibiting myostatin results in hyperplasia (increase in number of muscle cells) and hypertrophy (growth of muscle cells). Research is uncovering new things everyday on this subject.

Double knockout Myostatin Mutant Whippet
Double knockout Myostatin Mutant Whippet
The whippet above left with double knock down of the myostatin gene, the whippet below is normal in all regards.
Whippet dog run in field

New Research reveals…

In 2014, Italian researchers had discovered that sulforaphane had improved the survival chances of one type of stem cell is capable of developing into a muscle cell. Sulforaphane is found in many cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and other sprouts. These vegetables don’t actually contain sulforaphane, they contain glucoraphanin. Cutting, chewing and digesting these type vegetables converts glucorphanin into sulforaphane. Researchers have long looked at these vegetables for their cancer fighting and detoxification properties. Meanwhile, at the University of Bonn, researchers were testing pig satellite cells due to their remarkable similarity to human muscle cells. Satellite cells found in muscle have the ability to become mature muscle cells. What was uncovered in this research is that sulforaphane dramatically reduced the production of myostatin in satellite cells.

What is the Take Away Message?

Everyday science uncovers more interesting facts regarding the human body. Something as simple as eating broccoli could help millions of gym goers put on some of that hard earned muscle they have been trying to build. Who needs anabolic steroids or growth hormones when you have Broccoli? Perhaps our parents were right when they said those dreaded three words “eat your vegetables.”

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Liquid Labs Eq | Legal Equipoise Prohormone Alternative

Liquid Labs Eq

Eq is the street name for Equipoise or boldenone. It is a staple in anabolic steroid cycles. Liquid Labs Eq is our latest developed best legal prohormone for side effect free growth and joint repair. Liquid Labs Eq is a prohormone to the parent hormone Boldenone. It is a 1,4-Andro and as such has many of the same properties of 1-andro and 4-andro. This means it functions like a cross between Liquid Labs Pr, and Liquid Labs Te.
Liquid Labs Eq, Like Te, is wet. This means it can convert into estrogen. Now this isn’t necessarily bad at low amounts. You need some estrogen to grow muscle, and for healthy HDL cholesterol to be produced. This protects your heart.
Additionally Liquid Labs Eq has a 340% increase on collagen synthesis. This means it repairs and protects your joints better than Deca!
Liquid Labs Eq, Like Pr, converts into 1-testosterone not DHT. This means unlike hardeners and Liquid Labs Te or testosterone it will NOT CAUSE HAIR LOSS. It is just impossible at the doses I designed the Liquid Labs Eq prohormone to be used at, 250 mg a day.
What makes Liquid Labs Eq even cooler than the maximum growth of Testosterone or Liquid Labs Te, and the lack of hair loss of Liquid Labs Pr or 1-Andro, OR the improved joint repair, is that Liquid Labs Eq turns down the amount of estrogen receptors present BEFORE it converts to boldenone. One of the metabolites of boldenone is a very strong aromatase inhibitor.
What this means is your cycle with Liquid Labs Eq may start out kind of wet as you are mass building but as soon as you clean up your diet and have less artificial foods your body will process the Liquid Labs Eq difference and it will turn into a hair sparing, joint sparing, cutter. Anyone who has used winstrol knows this would be awesome! Most cutters cause hair loss and joint pain!
Don’t be a fool, Add Liquid Labs Eq to your Liquid Labs Te for a effective bulk, to Liquid Labs Pr for a lean mass build, or get the Basic Mass stack we designed with Liquid Labs TeLiquid Labs Pr, and Liquid Labs Eq to get the very best legal, safe, and effective Prohormones money can buy!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Liquid Labs Pr | Legal Primo Prohormone Alternative

Liquid Labs Pr

Liquid Labs Pr by Liquid Labs is the closest legal prohormone to the fabled Primo. Primo is known for its side effect free muscle growth and that is what you can expect from Pr when you take it as directed.
Liquid Labs Pr is the prohormone 1-Andro, but I dosed it to be ultra strong. A university study done in December 30th 2013 showed that 250 mg a day of 1-Andro was as strong at building muscle as 250 mg of injectable testosterone enanthate a week!  No surprise 250 mg is what I set dosing to with Pr. I want you to get the results you’re paying your hard earned cash for!


Now if you’re a true Iron Warrior, try to spread out the 8 ml over the entire day. The label calls for 4 ml 2 times a day, because that’s convenient. You take it before you leave for the day and before you lift or before bed if you don’t lift that day. But If you can, do 2 ml 4 times a day or even better, 1 ml 8 times a day! With that approach you’re going to see the best results!
Why? Because when you have smaller amounts under your tongue more often, more Liquid Labs Pr gets into your bloodstream than if you swallow it. Now don’t feel bad if you can’t take it 8 times a day, I tried and I couldn’t do it. I did find it immediately effective however using 4 ml servings twice a day so by no means is that an ineffective way to take it.

Side Effects

What makes Liquid Labs Pr so great is the lack of side effects. The prohormone and steroid side effects you hear about come from Estrogen and DHT conversion from testosterone. But the thing is, Liquid Labs Pr does not convert to testosterone, it converts to 1-testosterone. By having the double bond at position 1 not position 4 the molecule CANNOT be degraded to estrogen or DHT. This means it cannot conceivably cause any of the classic side effects like kidney issues, liver issues, hair loss, or gyno. Side effects are possible if you overdose on it, but not if you’re only taking the 250 mg a day that I designed it to be dosed at. In theory it can cause some blood pressure increase,  HDL suppression, and HTPA shutdown but that is very unlikely at this dose and certainly insignificant on a 4 or 8 week cycle since there all return to normal shortly after the cycle.
Now if you’re still concerned about HTPA suppression (the decrease of your natural testosterone) I invented Rise and Swell to mitigate these side effects. Rise and Swell will keep your natural testosterone productions sky high so that the minimal amount of suppressions is a drop in the bucket to the huge amount of natural test you will see. Additionally you can use Rise and Swell along with Form XT post cycle to get your testosterone higher than ever before!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Liquid Labs Ma | Prohormone Equivalent to Masteron

Liquid Labs Ma

Liquid Labs Ma is the closest legal thing I could make to the legendary Masteron.
Masteron is the classic pre contest anabolic. It’s an injectable version of DHT, with a 2’ modification which prevents it from being broken down inside the muscle. This modification in theory makes masteron a muscle builder, but since you’re cutting and in a calorie deficit you’re not going to be growing muscle.
That makes that 2’ modification useless.
If you werent also running Te or Pr or Tr with Ma then it would be relevant but I designed the stacks to work like illegal injectables and that way you just use the legal Liquid Labs version instead of, or with, your usual illegal gear.
For this reason it isn’t relevant that Ma doesn’t have the 2’ modification that masteron does, you never take Ma or masteron by itself anyway! Its a tertiary compound added to a test (Te, or Pr) and Tren (Tr) cycle, because its purpose is to act as a hardener, not a mass builder. Like Ive NEVER heard of anyone trying to build on Masteron.

Ma does the following:

  • Ma Increases Strength so you can handle heavy weights while cutting, this preserves muscle tissue indirectly through MGF expression mid workout
  • Ma Increases aggression. THis makes it a perfect addition to your Wyked 2.1 Pre workout to amplify its effects. Yes when I designed Wyked I did have Ma and Wi in mind to eventually be taken together. All of this has been planned for the better part of a decade.
  • Ma drives nutrients into your muscle. Many of you know how intricate the Mind and Muscle product line is, what you didn’t know is that the Liquid labs line is the missing piece to the puzzle. All the NON- increasing tricks I used with Rise and Swell and Wyked 2.1 was intended to help Me get to the muscle and shuttle in the carbs and protein from your diet. Its a chain reaction of swoleness! Ma drives Creatine, amino acids, carbohydrates and Halftime into the muscle making it dimond hard and ready to grow. Further more increasing the water within the cells cause them to be stronger heal faster and split forming new muscle cells with the help of Wicked’s amplification of IGF-1 function on satellite cells and cell splitting.
  • Ma Like Form XTWi, and Eq has a built in Aromatase Inhibiting feature. This means not only is Ma as dry as the Sahara, it makes whatever cycle you add it to drier!
  • Ma increases clarity of thinking and logical decision making.
  • Ma may increase blood flow to the penis increasing size and hardness. Add in the extra aggression and strength…
  • Ma may cause hair loss in some people. 50% of men are predisposed genetically to hair loss and those men are going to lose their hair regardless. Ma would just accelerate teh process while on cycle. Honestly you not going to lose that much hair in a 4 or 8 week cycle. But If you want to grow more hair or regrow lost hair, check out my advanced hair regrowth method.
Now like any Prohormone you need a Post Cycle Therapy lined up and a On Cycle Therapy or Test Base for your cycle. Rise and Swell is perfect for providing you both On cycle and Post Cycle therapy and supplying a ‘Test Base’. Or you can use Liquid Labs Te while on cycle for your test bases.
Regardless you definitely should pick up a bottle of Form XT for after our cycle, this is the root of your PCT.
For the absolute best results get the Mind and Muscle basic or Advanced Cutting Stack!  It comes with theAdvanced Cut Diet and Advanced Cut Workout, critical components to achieve the rock hard chiseled physique you always wanted!!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Liquid Lab Pro Series | The Future of Prohormones

Liquid Labs strives to provide the last legal prohormones that Congress intended to remain available to consumers to promote health and wellness. Their new Liquid Labs Pro Series line include the best available legal prohormones on the market today.
Liquid Labs prohormones are made in a GMP facility and these products are properly dosed to give you the same benefits of a steroid cycle without the side effects, the dirty gear and the risk of buying “fake” gear.
Nothing is worse than plunking down $180 dollars to some “steroid dealer” in the gym, only to find out a few weeks into your cycle that it’s bunk and fake.  Don’t believe it doesn’t happen my friends because it happens all the time. Sadly, steroid dealers don’t give refunds either!

Liquid Labs Te

Liquid Labs Te
Testosterone Enthanate is the steroid of choice for men who use illegal steroids to help them look and feel their best.  We can’t of course sell this due to it being a Schedule III Anabolic Steroid in the US.
Can Liquid Labs Te equal the potency of 1000mg of Testosterone Enthanate a week?  No, but we hope to give you the benefits of a SANE steroid cycle without the side effects, the dirty gear and the risk of buying “fake” gear.
Liquid Labs Te is made in a GMP facility and gives your body the prohormone to Testosterone and preliminary studies show that this prohormone can rival a Testosterone Enthanate injection of 500mg per week.
Testosterone is the parent male hormone and is the most important hormone for building muscle, staying lean, and feeling like a man!
Testosterone is necessary for sexual function and is a must in any cycle, it forms your ‘testosterone base’.  This “base’ eases side effects and gives your body much needed supporting hormones on a cycle to help you grow!
Testosterone is vital for a healthy male body and studies have shown men to be deficient in this hormone due to the massive amounts of chemicals in our diets.
You need your testosterone base for general health and sexual function and to preserve muscle tissue. Many people make the mistake of taking a prohormone like DMZ or other banned substance thinking that adding this to their body will have only the effects listed on the bottle. What scantless marketers don’t tell you is that as you add prohormones to your body, your natural test production decreases. This is why you need a ‘Test base.’ alone or stacked with other prohormones.
Liquid Labs Te is that “test base” in the form of its prohormone!  This prohormone converts into testosterone in your body!
Adding Testosterone to a cycle gives your body what it needs to function and be healthy, and for that reason Liquid Labs Te needs to be in every cycle!
“Test is best” for growth, nothing puts on mass like testosterone.  And this is another reason you want this in every growth cycle!
Skip the illegal dealers with their “bunk” bathtub brewed steroids and stick with the best legal prohormone to Testosterone still left on the market.  Make Liquid Labs Te part of your cycle or use it alone to give you the benefits of increased Testosterone.
Get your Liquid Labs Te Here

Liquid Labs Pr

Liquid Labs Pr

Liquid Labs Pr is the prohormone to 1-testosterone. Pr is powered by the King of Prohormones, 1-Andro!
We’re calling it Liquid Labs Pr because it reminds me of Primo; Side effect free muscle growth!
If you can find someone to sell you injectable Primo and it’s actually what is claimed on the bottle, consider yourself lucky.  Real Primo is so rare you usually just get test or deca in a bottle labeled Primo.
Primo is prized for lean gains that are relatively free from side effects.
Liquid Labs Pr is a legal prohormone that the US congress permits for men to use to help them look and feel their best.  It’s the last legal pathway for men to achieve “steroid like gains”.
A cycle of Primo would likely cost you well over $500 and you won’t know if it’s “real” for at least 2 weeks.  Liquid Labs Pr can give you very similar effects and it’s made in our GMP facility, so you know it’s “real” and you don’t need to worry about getting “bunk” gear.  (Trust me it happens more than you care to know.)
Primo is the holy grail of anabolics but it’s not cheap, which is why it is so hard to get on the black market.  It grows muscle and has very little down sides. Obviously if you take way too much you can suppress your natural testosterone production, but that’s why you use either Te to give yourself a ‘test base’ or you use Rise and Swellto increase natural testosterone  production on cycle.
The directions are written to guarantee you have minimal downsides.  I ran the double blind clinical trial on the parent compound 1-Andro myself and it had no reported side effects or blood work alterations in any of the test subjects.
Liquid Labs Pr does not convert into estrogen or DHT, that’s how we avoid all the common side effects you get with testosterone overdose.
You won’t likely see gynecomastia, hair loss, aggression, sexual dysfunction (unless it’s in your head), blood pressure changes or heart damage like you would with illegal steroids or testosterone. Once again that’s with the recommended amount, if you overdose on it I can’t predict the outcome, I myself have used 4 times normal dose with no problems (1000 mg a day).
So if you want something which you can add to any cycle or  use by itself, be it mass or cutting,  use Liquid Labs Pr!  It will put on rock hard mass when your calories are high (mass building) and it will spare your muscle from certain death when your calories are low (cutting).
Get your Liquid Labs Pr Here

Liquid Labs EQ

Liquid Labs EQ
Liquid Labs Eq is the prohormone to, you guessed it, EQ!
Equipoise is expensive and hard to find on the black market.  Nothing is worse than plunking down $180 dollars to some “steroid dealer” in the gym, only to find out a few weeks into your cycle that it’s bunk and fake.  Don’t believe it doesn’t happen my friends, because it happens all the time.  Sadly, steroid dealers don’t give refunds either!
EQ aka Equipoise aka Boldenone is the best wet anabolic you can use to ease joint pain, increase hunger and provide lean gains.
When you’re trying to grow, a wet prohormones is best because some of it converts into estrogen and that helps you build muscle (red words are hyperlinks and take you to explanations). Other metabolites are the extra potent 1-testosterone (final product of the Liquid Labs masterpiece Pr) and an Aromatase Inhibitor. This means the longer you’re on Liquid Labs Eq the dryer your whole cycle gets despite Eq itself being ‘wet’…
Eq is what bodybuilders use while growing to get nearly the size benefits of testosterone without losing their hair.  Never have I seen a professionally written cycle that didn’t match testosterone mg for mg with Eq. If all the pros are wrong, how do they look so big?
Eq is often used in place of “Deca” because it’s great for the joints and gives a nice slow and steady gain, with little to no side effects.
Use Liquid Labs Eq if you want to get big without hair loss all while increasing appetite and easing joint pain.  After your cycle, take a course of Rise and Swell to boost up your natural testosterone production.
Get your Liquid Labs EQ Here

Liquid Labs Ma

Liquid Labs Ma
Masteron is a prized anabolic steroid by many of the top pro’s because it helps them cut up and shed water, all while boosting strength.
Much of the masteron on the market is “fake” or “bunk” gear.  Nothing is worse than plunking down $180 dollars to some “steroid dealer” in the gym, only to find out a few weeks into your cycle that it’s bunk and fake.  Don’t believe it doesn’t happen my friends because it happens all the time.  Sadly, steroid dealers don’t give refunds!
Ma is what you need to get shredded like the top pros. It makes your muscles diamond hard and your skin paper thin. Ma is the closest legal prohormone equivalent to masteron, which is used to get super lean before a show or a cut cycle along with Wi, Pr, and Tr, the Liquid labs prohormone analogs for Winstrol, Primo,  and Trenbolone.
Ma has special properties that aren’t dominant with Te or testosterone:
*Ma makes you stronger
*Ma burns fat directly at the fat cell
*Ma inhibits the aromatase enzyme, like arimidex or letrozole. This helps prevent gyno when added to a wet cycle
*Ma makes you more alert
*Ma may cause hair loss in 50% of men, the men who are going to lose your hair anyway,
*Ma may cause shutdown so make sure you have PCT ready.
Like any steroid or prohormone, Ma can shut down your natural production, so it’s wise to use something like Rise and Swell for PCT (many people use it on cycle too to keep their test levels high).
Get your Liquid Labs Ma Here

Liquid Labs Wi

Liquid Labs Wi
Wi is the closest legal prohormone to Winstrol.  Winstrol is a famous cutting oral used by bodybuilders to maintain their mass while carving off fat with the added benefit of increased strength. It’s this increased strength that is key to preserving your muscle, you have to lift the same weight for the same reps or better while cutting than you did in the offseason or you lose muscle.
Winstrol is unique because it doesn’t cause anger or aggression on a cycle and Wi is very similar in its effects.
Much of the “Winny” on the market is bad news.  Nothing is worse than plunking down $180 dollars to some “steroid dealer” in the gym, only to find out a few weeks into your cycle that it’s bunk and fake.  Don’t believe it doesn’t happen my friends because it happens all the time.  Sadly, steroid dealers don’t give refunds either!
Many of you have heard that winstrol causes joint pain? Not Wi.  Winstrol has the special ability to stop cortisol from being released from the adrenal cortex. Wi does not have this problem, it blocks cortisol from binding to muscle eating it away, but not from binding to the joints and reducing the inflammation from hard lifting! This makes it better in theory since you’re dodging the bullet on the worst side effect of winstrol.
Winstrol has been known to cause hair loss in about 50% of men, the same 50% that were going to lose their hair any way, but Wi is dosed appropriately enough that a 4 or 8 week cut cycle will cause minimal hair loss if any, even if you’re the genetically predisposed 50%.
And after your 4 or 8 week cut with Wi you may benefit using Rise and Swell post cycle for 4 weeks.  This returns any loss of natural testosterone back to normal or above!
Liquid Labs Wi: Coming Soon!

Liquid Labs Tr

Liquid Labs Tr More information on Liquid Labs Tr coming soon!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Leptin Hormone

What You Probably Knew

The Leptin hormone is a recently discovered hormone. It is well known for its role in hunger and energy balance. Leptin is released by happy fat cells when they are full. This signals the brain not to respond to Ghrelin, the hunger hormone. Up until the discovery of Leptin people (even me) thought that fat cells we just storage cells, not used for anything or certainly not an endocrine organ.

What you probably didn’t know is leptin is produced by multiple parts of the body and has receptors in other areas than just the hypothalamus!


A gene was discovered that when absent, mice ate voraciously and got super fat. This gene db, encodes for the leptin receptor on the hypothalamus. Thus if your born without this gene you don’t transcribe or translate the receptor and thus there is no where for leptin to bind and Ghrelin acts unopposed. Thus it’s clear that Leptin binding to the leptin receptor on the hypothalamus inhibits voracious eating. There are 8 mutations to the Ob(Lep) gene. It’s located on Chromosome 7 and the most recept mutation was discovered in 2015. All mutations cause this receptor not to bind Leptin and the subjects are incredibly obese from voracious eating.

Now the key to helping people resist overeating would be to either:
1) Increase natural Leptin production
2) Increase leptin receptor density on the hypothalamus
3) Administer a leptin supplement/Prohormone
4) Decrease ghrelin release
5) Decrease ghrelin receptor density
6) Administer a ghrelin receptor blocker

Now 4, 5, and 6 suck because we need the Ghrelin receptor to get maximal Growth Hormone release, and it’s the binding site for the Marus Alba in Wyked 2.1, Rise and Swell, and Nocturnus to give your along with Kudzu binding to the GHRH receptor 3 distinct mounting synergistic growth hormone spikes which keep you burning fat all day long. and of course Growth Hormone slows aging, for those of you who want to age as slow as I do.

The illegal drug family that bind to this site are the GHRP family. Read my incomplete guide on Growth Hormone Secretogogues here!

Leptin is not only produced in Adipocytes!

Leptin is produced primarily in the adipocytes of white adipose tissue. It also is produced by brown adipose tissue, placenta, ovaries, skeletal muscle, stomach (the lower part of the fundic glands and gastric chief cells), mammary epithelial cells, bone marrow, pituitary, and liver.
How Leptin Makes You Less Fat

Leptin Levels fluctuate wildly with different body fat levels. As body fat increases the leptin levels increase exponentially. This is noticed by bodybuilders post contest. For a week or so you simply can’t eat enough junk food, then eventually when your at about your set weight or set body fat % (which I think is a more accurate term than set weight) you are no longer hungry.

Leptin levels are quite high during the second half of sleep. This likely prevents you from waking up in the middle of the night hungry when your insulin levels are the lowest and you’re burning a great deal of fat. Obese people with obstructive sleep apnea produce less leptin overnight than those with a Cpap (positive airway pressure) machine. This implies that getting a good night sleep is necessary for fat regulation and appetite suppression. This confirms the urban legend that you need 6 continuous hours of sleep to get leptin release, and those who don’t gain body fat over time due to increased appetite through the next day.

Leptin is increased by insulin which makes sense, if your body is storing fat there would be no reason to be hungry.

Just like ghrelin makes you target high calorie foods, Leptin allows you to resist those high calorie foods and make wiser choices. Leptin levels in the short term have more to do with calorie intake levels then actual amount of body fat. Thus diets higher in calories and higher in actual exercise are emotionally less difficult than a low exercise, low calorie diet. The lack of calorie intake causes leptin levels to decrease allowing Ghrelin to push you into eating more fattening foods. And I for one feel guilty as fuck when I cheat on my diet. Ok, not that guilty. Like I almost stepped on a worm guilty. Not ran over a racoon guilty. Poor racoon:(

Leptin doesn’t just act on the brain to adjust hunger, it also acts on multiple tissues in the body to regulate energy metabolism and all hormones, namely Insulin, Glucagon, Growth Hormone, Insulin like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) and glucocorticoids like cortisol.

Read more about the Leptin hormone over at!

Leptin Diet

Leptin is a hormone that is released from fat cells when they are happy. When calorie intake is sufficient for daily energy needs the fat cells release leptin to stop food cravings. The key to having high leptin is keep your calories high and use a ton of exercise to drive yourself into a calorie deficit. The Leptin Diet has nothing to do with this, its just another fad diet designed to get you to buy appetite suppressants off this person’s web site.

Fad diets like the Leptin Diet have been popping up for decades. Some of them rely on a concept, like low carbs, others on timing like intermittent fasting. All diets have 3 components; the food (Blood Type, Paleo) , how much (Atkins, Keto), and when (Carb Back Loading, Intermittent Fasting). Not all fad diets account for these 3 variables. For instance the Atkins diet is a zero carb diet, but does not take into account how much food you eat or when you eat what. SHTUPID!

Most importantly not all diets are right for all goals: any diet will work to get a sedentary out of shape person less fat, but few of these diets are acceptable for anyone who wants to look good naked.

If you want a diet to get you as close to perfect as your genes will allow, use either my free 30 day transformation diet or one of my Advanced Meal Plan: Advanced Mass Meal Plan or Advanced Cut Meal Plan.

And to get the best results either use one of the plethora of free workouts or use my Advanced Cut Training or my Advanced Mass Training.

The Leptin Diet

This is nothing special, just general guidelines on how to not get fatter and to gradually make yourself smaller, not necessarily drop your body fat below normal. With one of these basic Mickey Mouse diets you can get down to about 20% body fat for men and 30% for women, then as you lose fat you lose muscle with it, so you get smaller and lighter but don’t get leaner, (lower body fat). To do that you need to lift weights and probably eat a little more sophisticated.

It’s completely asinine to call this diet the “Leptin Diet” Leptin is a buzz word in the media and this guy Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist is just cashing in on his books on leptin with diet guidelines like any clever marketing department would do, slap his name on some bullshit and give him a check for it.

Leptin is the hormone which is released by your fat cells when your calories are high enough so that your not craving high calorie foods. as lipid drops cravings increase. the premise of this diet is it keeps leptin high and thus you’re less likely to cheat on your diet.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

What are Prohormones?

Its incredible how many people think they know what pro-hormones are but have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE. Of course these are the most difficult and argumentative haters on the web. Not 1 hour after posting Best Prohormones of 2015 haters had to post false claims that pprohormonesare more dangerous than real steroids and your better off using real gear.

The reason why they are saying that is the drugs SOLD AS pro-hormones are actually methylated oral anabolic steroids, the worst kind with the exception of birth control. Mithras, DMZ, Methylsten, Trenavar, and many more are just steroids sold under a different name to trick consumers and authorities. The reason why these methylated steroids are bad is the methylation damages the liver. Oral steroids are far more dangerous than injectable, but real prohormones are the safest way to go: with a sub-lingual (under the tongue) delivery you don’t need methylation because they are not oral.

What are Prohormones?

Pro-hormone is something that gets converted into a hormone in your body. Hormone means signal. The hormones you’re after burn fat or build muscle, male steroid hormones do both. Steroid hormone is a hormone made from cholesterol. Typically pro-hormone is really pro-testosterone or pro-DHT, the 2 most abundant naturally occuring male steroid hormones. The steroids sold as prohormones are not pro-, they are just active steroid hormones.

It is illegal to sell hormones, it is only legal to sell something that is:

1) Not an active hormone

2) something that naturally occurs in the body.

Read the rest of this article and plenty more on prohormones here at!