By Todd Lee M.D.
MGF Is also known as Mechano Growth Factor. It is generated during exercise itself and is also known as IGF-1Ec. It migrates immediately from its synthesis in the muscle cell nucleus to the satellite cells surrounding the muscle cell. This causes the Satellite cell to migrate to the muscle cell and donate a nucleus.
This is not to be confused with normal IGF-1 which we will call IGF-1Ea. This is released in the presence of Growth Hormone and causes the new satellite cell/muscle cell complex to mature into more powerful muscle cells.
A way has been developed that allows people to permanently increase their MGF production. There is a fear in the athletic community that this will be abused as professional athletes will have their DNA altered to be more powerful athletes. These researchers developed an intrinsic mechanism to determine if someone has in fact undergone this Gene Doping procedure.
Currently Bodybuilders use MGF in a similar way as IGF-1: they inject it intramuscularly post workout. Like IGF 1 dosing is based on forum consensus which is 50 mcg in a muscle post workout. So if you're trying to bring up your lateral tricep you would hit triceps 2-3 times a week and inject each tricep after each workout so 1000 mcg lasts about 10 workouts or 3-4 weeks.
On an obscurity scale with creatine being 1 or not obscure and 10 being the blood of Ares, I would give MGF a 9.5. I have never met anyone who has used this, and most people who know me run their cycle by me.
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