If I was the supreme dictator of planet earth i would do a few things; Burn all the Planet Fitnesses to the ground, fix the potholes, and make education and nutrition a higher priority than warmongering and reality TV.
Lets focus on nutrition. In America the foods that are marketed to people, specifically women, are toxic and should be avoided. Gluten, Dairy, and Sugar are not good for humans as they are all man made processed foods.
Milk is relatively pure, but its from cows for cows. Dairy consumption is how little cows become big cows. Do you want to be a big cow? No? Then quit consuming dairy.
Dairy is made up of lactose, a sugar, whey protein and casein protein. And blood, piss, puss and cow feces. Sounds delicious right?
So even if you can digest lactose, the casein isnt that digestible, and is linked to autism.
Cows milk has very little whey; 22% of the protein comes from whey.
Gluten is a protein found in wheat. It is not digestible in humans without the release of a special enzyme that also digests the intestines themselves! Now that you have holes in your intestines feces leaks into your bloodstream causing your immune system to act out and autoimmune diseases result, along with many other problems.
This applies to processed sugar like sucrose and natural sugar like fruit. Sugar is good for one thing; gaining weight. Do you want to gain weight? Then consume sugar.
Sugar and all other carbs to a lesser extent increase insulin. Insulin is a growth hormone that grows muscle after a workout, and fat cells the rest of the day. If you have any tumors in your body, specifically brain tumors it will grow those as well. Insulin will stop fat burning, so if someone is eating carbs all day trying to lose weight they won’t lose as much fat as if they just had all their carbs for the day after their workout.
Fruit and honey are the worse than people think. They are primarily water and fructose. Fructose does not spike insulin like other sugars but it is a pentose, not a hexose. Thus it cannot convert to glycogen and if it isn’t used for energy then it is stored as fat insulin present or not.
For more details check out the full article here!
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