Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Alcohol and Prohormones

Alcohol and Prohormones

Now I would like to point out that likely if you’re this concerned about how alcohol is going to affect your bodybuilding your probably on steroids or considering them. Why wouldn’t you want more testosterone if you’re concerned about alcohol decreasing it? Steroids are not bad for your liver unless your drinking, then they are HORRIBLE. Even worse with the methylated oral steroids and the “prohormones” which are actually just methylated steroids, but all of those are banned.

The prohormones in the Mind and Muscle store are non-methylated, and non liver toxic. The prohormones in our Basic Mass Stack and our Basic Cut Stack are safe on your liver and you can drink with them! Additionally I have other things I invented in those stacks which adjust the other hormones; Raising LH, FSH, GH, decreasing cortisol, and of course raising testosterone.

Alcohol Makes You Fat?

Alcohol consumers actually weigh less that non-drinkers, and this study (Kokavec A 2008) shows alcohol has an appetite decreasing effect:

“Long-term alcohol intake can decrease the total amount of food consumed when food is freely available and the alcohol-induced individual is often held accountable for their irregular eating behavior. Assessment of meal composition has highlighted that appetite for food containing carbohydrates (in particular) is altered in moderate-heavy drinkers but at present there is insufficient biochemical evidence to confirm or deny this observation."

Alcohol Effects on Testosterone, GH and Other Hormones

In a study done on 8 healthy male volunteers, 1.5 g of ethanol per kg of body weight (that’s 10-15 drinks) was administered over the span of 3 hours, from 6 pm to 9 pm. Their blood samples were collected every 20 minutes for 20 hours. These subject males were their own control group, being that they would have to repeat the experiment with water a month later. (Valimaki M 1990)

The study found that although testosterone was reduced the following day (10 hours later) by 23%, LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone) secretion from the pituitary gland didn’t change much at all. GH (Growth-hormone) however, did not have its usual pulsatile release while in deep sleep (Stage IV) and the total amount released was much lower. Prolactin levels stayed static, but cortisol levels DID increase at around the 10 hour mark by 36%.

Benefits of Testosterone

There are numerous benefits of testosterone. It is the parent male hormone and does a plethora of different things in the body to improve you. Although it and it’s metabolite DHT are critical for sexual maturation and development of a male human from a female prototype starting as a fetus, we will narrow our discussion to fully grown adult humans, the population who should be considering testosterone supplementation.

Testosterone (4-AD)DHT (Epiandro; 17 pro)Estrogen (birth control pills)Cortisol (prednisone)
Mass ++ 0        +   – –
Strength +++       –    – –
Sex Drive +++       +++   0
Aggression +++       +   0
Fat Loss +++        – –    – –
Mental Clarity  +++        ?    –
Hair Loss + (if genes are there)++ (If genes are there)       0   0

Medical Society

Medical society was all up in arms against testosterone and ‘steroids’ during the 1980’s after the baseball craze. Like Marijuana in the early part of the 20th century, the government and media were getting all their education from each other and nothing from science. Because of this the AMA stood by while the name of testosterone was dragged through the mud, and the concept that steroids were bad for you and steroid users are bad people was implanted in the american mind.

Now that Androgel is a profitable pharmaceutical manufactured to increase testosterone needle free, there was a market so doctors created a syndrome called “low T”. This is to hide from the patient that they are actually taking steroids. They justify this by saying that the normal effects of aging are a ‘syndrome’ and that you need this medication for the rest of your life to be healthy. A medicine they have been saying for 30 years is bad for you you now need to be healthy! Interesting, has nothing to do with the invention of a needle free delivery mechanism? Right.
Legal Alternative

Testosterone is a major hormone you need to live, and 4-Andro is a precursor or “prohormone” to testosterone. It can be taken as a pill, or even better under the tongue as a dissolving tablet. This is less complicated than a needle and without the need of special training in how to give a shot. The sublingual or under the tongue version is the best of both worlds, you get almost as good absorption as you would with a needle but the convenience of using a pill.

1-Testosterone comes from the prohormone 1-Andro. It should have NO side effects since it does not get broken down into estrogen and DHT by your body. Estrogen and DHT are where side effects come from, not testosterone it’s self.

4-Andro —> testosterone: main male hormone, need for life. its metabolites estrogen and DHT give some side effects to some people when to much is used. Form-XT removes side effects from estrogen

1-Andro—->1-Testosterone; only works like Testosterone in the chart in the first video, does not work on normal hormonal function; it is just for building muscle. But, since it doesn’t convert to DHT or Estrogen, there should be no side effects.

If you’re worried about natural shutdown use Rise and Swell while you’re using your 4-andro. I designed Rise and Swell to keep your testosterone production up and running while your “on cycle”. Then when you come off if you want to preserve normal functioning then start using Form XT and Rise and Swell. 1-AD shouldn’t cause shutdown but Use Rise and Swell just in case.

I have written several articles about this: Should I use Prohormones?, Your First Prohormone Cycle etc. Check those out if your interested in prohormones!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Fat Loss Tips!

By Todd Lee MD.

Not everyone is ready for a structured diet. Some people just want a gentle nudge in the right direction so they will feel more confident about themselves this summer WHEN they are required to take their shirt off. I compiled this list of the best fat loss tips for you. These the things I did when I was way to lazy to work a real diet, but I wanted to maximize my self confidence.

Tip #1) Every Meal Should Have Protein

Protein means “most important” and is what you need. People who don’t lift weights can get away with 0.8 g /Kg or about 60 g of protein a day, but people slashing their carbs need more protein than that and so do lifters. For people who REALLY want to make progress with fat loss they are usually eating 1-1.5 g of protein per pound of body weight.

Tip #2) Vegetables are Filler

Vegetables are not nutritions. There is very little to them other and water. Yes they have vitamins, but so does meat and we absorb way more vitamins from meat than vegetables.

Tip #3) Fruit Turns to Fat

Unless you use the sugar (because fruit is just a vegetable with sugar) in fruit right away it turns to fat. The sugar in fruit does not spike your insulin like starches and man made food does, so it doesn’t shut off fat burning, The extra sugar you’re not using can’t be stored as starch in the muscle called glycogen, it has to be stored as fat or refill liver glycogen.

There are only 2 times its logical to have fruit.

Tip #4) Drinking Water

You can drink as little as 64 oz a day in theory but thats not if your working out, on creatine, or losing fat. In those cases you need 1-2 gallons of water a day. Between this and the veggies you won’t be full and you should be pooping every morning.

For full details on these tips and to read the next 4 tips check it out HERE!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Advantages of Prohormones vs Steroids

Prohormones are NOT gone! They are alive and well in 2015! There are several advantages of Prohormones vs steroids and I will help you understand that when all the pros and cons are weighed out, prohormones are the better option for 90% or more of men.


Some people have heard that prohormones are worse for you than steroids. The reason is many of the prohormones which were legal up until the 2014 DACA we in fact not prohormones but designer anabolic steroids falsely marketed as prohormones.

This is a problem because in oral steroids a methyl group is added to carbon 17 so that the steroids can survive being taken orally instead of being injected. This “methylation” makes these very toxic on your liver. VERY, VERY toxic if you drink on it!

Prohormones in the mind and muscle store do not have this methylation and thus are not banned by the 2014 DACA, in fact the main ingredients are named as EXEMPT from EVER being banned. Congress would have to pass a separate law just to ban the prohormones we sell.


Why am I making such a big deal about how prohormones are legal and steroids and banned “prohormones” are not? Because it’s serious prison time to be arrested with steroids on you. This isn’t marijuana, possession of steroids will get you PRISON time. Some cases are as much as 10 years in prison.

Think about that.

Instead of getting the same results from the same active hormones with prohormones you have to risk going to prison to use steroids.


The best prohormones are the ones which you take sublingually. This means you put it under the tongue. There are huge veins there and the way these prohormones are made allows them to pass into your bloodstream through your tongue veins. This allows it to skip your liver and thus they don’t need to be methylated (remember how that is what makes them toxic and illegal?)

Now the non-oral steroids, the ones not methylated, have to be injected with needles. Some questions you need to answer yes to before you play with needles:

*Are you trained in proper needle use?

*Have you had trained in maintaining a sterile field?

*Are you proficient in disinfecting an injection site?

*What angle do you come in at?

*Where are all the arteries?

*Where are the important nerves?

*Which muscles absorb oil better than others?

*How large of an injection bolus do you use for each muscle?

*Do you know the half lives of each of your oils so you can maintain a steady state concentration of anabolic delivery?

*Which muscles release the steroids into the bloodstream faster than others?

*Do you inject before you train or after?

If you inject your vein you get a oil embolus which gets lodged in your lung called a pulmonary embolus. Does Suffocating and drowning on your deca sound like fun?
After reading this I hope your convinced this is over your head.
Remember, the mainstream public sees all needle users as murderous junkies and I can’t change their mind and i’m a doctor! Imagine how hard of a time you’re going to have trying to convince someone you know what you’re doing.

How do you think a woman is going to react when she sees a bunch of needles in your bathroom? Your mom?


When you buy a prohormone from Mind and Muscle or any other reputable web site you get what’s on the label or a little more. Thats the law.

When you order steroids over the internet a few things may happen:

*Your IP address may be flagged by the DEA or INTERPOL

*Your illegal drugs may be sized by customs

*You may get caught and go to prison for importing illegal drugs into the USA and you’ll be charged with intent to distribute


When you buy it in the gym or on the street this is what your getting:

*Homemade steroids in someone’s kitchen or bathroom. Not in a sterile environment.

*heavy metals cause Alzheimer’s disease and are common in homemade steroids.

*The gear (steroids) on top of being potentially contaminated may be under dosed, to acidic causing pain, or overdosed. None of these will allow you to control your dose well as unlike prohormones which kick in in hours and are out of your system in 3 days, injectible steroids don’t kick in for 4 weeks and stay active for as much as 12 months. So if you are losing hair or have gyno or can’t get an erection then you may have to stay like that for weeks or months. EVEN IF YOU’RE AN EXPERT incorrectly labeled steroids WILL mess up your cycle and thus your competition prep.

Legal and Safe Alternative

Now if you are interested in the only legal prohormones, which are both safe and effective then look no further! I designed 2 systems for you. The Advanced Cut Stack has everything you need for your first prohormone cycle with everything from diet and training to when you take which supplement elaborately detailed for you. I also have an Advanced Mass Stack. I personally designed the stacks, diets, and training programs and the Stacks come with all your non-steroidal body building supplements as well, also designed by me.

So if you want to gain muscle or lose fat I have 2 complete systems with every element accounted for and they WILL WORK if you work them 100%.

If you already are an expert and you just need to know how the prohormones stack up to illegal gear here is what you need to know:

4-Andro converts to Testosterone

1-Andro converts to 1-Testosterone which works like Primobolan

pBold converts into Boldenone, or EQ

EpiAndro works like Masteron

17 ProAndro works like Winstrol

If you want to recreate Tren add 1-Andro, to 17 ProAndro and add 6-Mass

To recreate Anavar use 1-Andro and Epiandro

To recreate Anadrol use 4-Andro + 1-Andro + Epiandro

Now please keep in mind everyBODY is different and these are on paper the same but in each person each prohormone (and steroids) work slightly different and when you mix them you get completely different effect. That’s why I’m telling you how to replace your current or prospective steroids in your cycle with our safe and legal prohormones which DO give you the similar effects.

Who am I? Click here for my Bio!

Click here for my complete list of articles

Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside. The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only. All claims are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise. Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.