Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Deca: Best For Mass

By Todd Lee M.D.

“If you can’t grow on Deca you can’t grow!” that’s the common expression, but is it true? In one study it was shown that 200 mg of Deca only put about 5 solid pounds on test subjects. In contrast a new study on the prohormone 1-Andro showed it put 4 pounds of muscle and burned 7 pounds of fat in calorie deprived test subjects. Thats pretty shocking. Deca is supposed to be the most purely anabolic drug out there. It doesn't convert to DHT so it is very mild in regards to androgenicity. and it only converts to estrogen at 20% the rate of testosterone. This low degradation rate would seem to imply it is very anabolic, especially with its binding affinity to the androgen receptor being 34% higher than testosterone. How could a prohormone be stronger?

1-Andro converts to 1-Testosterone. It doesn't convert to estrogen or DHT and it does not bind to the progesterone receptor. Some reports which i find far fetched indicate it binds 7 times stronger to the androgen receptor than regular testosterone.

For more details on deca and links to the studies Click here!
For more details on 1 -Andro and links to that study Click here!!

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