By Todd Lee M.D.
It never ceases to amaze me how little your average doctor, or even specialists, know about steroids. And the general public know even less. There is also a great deal of confusion about where the line is drawn between prohormones and steroids. The truth is so simple its shocking and I’m more than happy to elucidate the issue.
Lets first define the term “Steroid”. Steroids are hormones made in your adrenal glands or your gonads from cholesterol. Steroids do not necessarily build muscle and are not necessarily performance enhancing. Birth control pills and some heart medications are steroids. Testosterone is the male sex hormone and is one of many steroids. for 60 years scientists have tried to separate the Anabolic or muscle growth effect from the Androgenic or masculizing effect. So a synthetic version of testosterone is an Anabolic Steroid (AS). Anabolic Steroids are what people think of when they hear the term “Performance enhancing drug” but there are many different classes of performance enhancing drugs that are non-steroidal, creatine is one example, caffeine another.
Prohormones are compounds either natural or synthetic that convert in your body into an active hormone. not all prohormones convert to steroids so not all prohormones are prosteroids. Of the ones that do convert to steroids and even better convert to anabolic steroids the ones which work best are the ones that convert to the same compounds that bodybuilders use for competitions. Testosterone is probably the best and thats because it is what your body is used to using. 4 - Andro converts to testosterone and the only thing better is 1 - Andro.
Using prohormones to get the same effects as injecting steroids has a few benefits: Its legal for one. You get immediate results and if you need to stop because of side effects, then the side effects cease immediately. Most important thing is prohormones are made in a lab and are FDA regulated for safety. Illigal injectables are made in someones basement or kitchen. is that something you want to inject in your body?
For more details check out the full article here!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
By Todd Lee M.D.
For half a century scientists have tried to find a way to divorce the muscle building or Anabolic effects of testosterone from the androgenic effects. This was the dawn of the Anbolic steroids.
Some believe Primo and EQ to be the closest things to a purely anabolic compund but no, Alas the 1 - Testosterone molecule is the best. But before now the only way to this end product was the 5-alpha reduction of the EQ steroid and there was a higher conversion to estrogen than 1-test.
In December, 2013 a new study was released indicating the true anabolic power of 1-Andro, a prohormone to 1-testosterone. In this study there were identical results to previous studies on testosterone enathate injections. I didn't believe it either but here is why: 20% of Testosterone is converted to DHT which doesn't build muscle another 20% is converted to estrogen which INHIBITS more testosterone production. so you have only 60% active and more isnt made. with 1 -testosterone, the final product of 1-andro, there is no conversions! Additionally its 2 times as potent as testosterone. so on a milligram for milligram basis it would be 3 times as strong after 40% of testosterone was lost to metabolites.
Here is the weirdest part: You ever heard that steroids cause psychiatric and behavioural problems? Well there was an extensive battery of tests done and test subjects had mood IMPROVEMENTS over the control group!
For more information on the study and to get 1-Andro click here!
For half a century scientists have tried to find a way to divorce the muscle building or Anabolic effects of testosterone from the androgenic effects. This was the dawn of the Anbolic steroids.
Some believe Primo and EQ to be the closest things to a purely anabolic compund but no, Alas the 1 - Testosterone molecule is the best. But before now the only way to this end product was the 5-alpha reduction of the EQ steroid and there was a higher conversion to estrogen than 1-test.
In December, 2013 a new study was released indicating the true anabolic power of 1-Andro, a prohormone to 1-testosterone. In this study there were identical results to previous studies on testosterone enathate injections. I didn't believe it either but here is why: 20% of Testosterone is converted to DHT which doesn't build muscle another 20% is converted to estrogen which INHIBITS more testosterone production. so you have only 60% active and more isnt made. with 1 -testosterone, the final product of 1-andro, there is no conversions! Additionally its 2 times as potent as testosterone. so on a milligram for milligram basis it would be 3 times as strong after 40% of testosterone was lost to metabolites.
Here is the weirdest part: You ever heard that steroids cause psychiatric and behavioural problems? Well there was an extensive battery of tests done and test subjects had mood IMPROVEMENTS over the control group!
For more information on the study and to get 1-Andro click here!
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Sublingual Delivery
By Todd Lee M.D.
Sublingual delivery is the new way to get a prohormone or anything else into your bloodstream. It by passes your digestive systemand your liver to have the highest amount of active ingredient in your blood and then your muscles for growth.
When you swallow food it can sit in your stomach for hours, and hours, and hours. If take your medication the same way it can mix with your food. This may chemically alter it and can cause you to defecate the medication out. It doesnt matter how great a medicine is, if it doesn't get where it needs to go it doesn't work. With Sublingual delivery you solve this problem.
Sublingual means “under the tongue” so with sublingual delivery products special compounds are added to drive the medicine into your bloodstream through the big veins under your tongue.
For a more detailed description on sublingual delivery and where you can get sublingual muscle builders and fat burners click here!
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Cardio : How To Do It Right!
By Todd Lee M.D.
The traditional method of doing cardio isn't effective. Want to improve cardiovascular health? Want to lose fat? Want to look and feel your best? Then standard cardio isn’t for you!
Traditional cardio like walking or spin class or group aerobics or zumba or jogging all suck in my humble opinion.
By doing continuous long duration cardio you train your body to be more efficient at spending energy on action, in other words you decrease your metabolism and sacrifice muscle to achieve a lighter body weight. Your body feels its part of its existence to plod away at aimless cardio so it wants to be able to do this safely and effectively. To achieve this goal it sacrifices expensive muscle.
Why is muscle expensive? It burns calories, even at rest. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn. The more fat you burn the leaner you get and the higher your metabolism gets, which results in burning more fat and getting infinitum. Muscle is the single most effective way to burn fat, not cardio. Since cardio directly destroys muscle if done for longer than 30 minutes then indirectly cardio makes you fatter, not leaner. Ever notice how unimpressive the people who only do cardio for exercise are? And that the older they are the less successful they are at achieving weight loss goals? Its because they are destroying their bodies with to much long duration cardio.
The Right Way Is HIIT
HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training alternates extremely hard work, with a rest period. The timing and effort are similar to lifting weights and mimics the hormone response from weight training. That means when done for less than 30 minutes you actuild BUILD muscle not BURN muscle with this form of cardio. That means you're burning fat while you perform HIIT cardio and after as your fat is oxidized to generate energy to repair and grow the muscle. The best time to do it is right before weights.
15 minutes or less is all you need. The best are running on the stairs for 30 seconds and walking on the stairs for 60 seconds as one interval, and repeating that 6-10 times. Or sprinting on a treadmill on an incline for 30 and walking for 60.
For more details read the full article here!
(Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside. The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only. All claims are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise. Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.)
The traditional method of doing cardio isn't effective. Want to improve cardiovascular health? Want to lose fat? Want to look and feel your best? Then standard cardio isn’t for you!
Traditional cardio like walking or spin class or group aerobics or zumba or jogging all suck in my humble opinion.
By doing continuous long duration cardio you train your body to be more efficient at spending energy on action, in other words you decrease your metabolism and sacrifice muscle to achieve a lighter body weight. Your body feels its part of its existence to plod away at aimless cardio so it wants to be able to do this safely and effectively. To achieve this goal it sacrifices expensive muscle.
Why is muscle expensive? It burns calories, even at rest. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn. The more fat you burn the leaner you get and the higher your metabolism gets, which results in burning more fat and getting infinitum. Muscle is the single most effective way to burn fat, not cardio. Since cardio directly destroys muscle if done for longer than 30 minutes then indirectly cardio makes you fatter, not leaner. Ever notice how unimpressive the people who only do cardio for exercise are? And that the older they are the less successful they are at achieving weight loss goals? Its because they are destroying their bodies with to much long duration cardio.
The Right Way Is HIIT
HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training alternates extremely hard work, with a rest period. The timing and effort are similar to lifting weights and mimics the hormone response from weight training. That means when done for less than 30 minutes you actuild BUILD muscle not BURN muscle with this form of cardio. That means you're burning fat while you perform HIIT cardio and after as your fat is oxidized to generate energy to repair and grow the muscle. The best time to do it is right before weights.
15 minutes or less is all you need. The best are running on the stairs for 30 seconds and walking on the stairs for 60 seconds as one interval, and repeating that 6-10 times. Or sprinting on a treadmill on an incline for 30 and walking for 60.
For more details read the full article here!
(Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside. The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only. All claims are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise. Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.)
Monday, March 24, 2014
By Todd Lee M.D.
Tren is the T-rex of steroids. Nothing is as worshiped and feared like the almighty Tren. Its true name is Trenbolone and it is a modified nandrolone. Unlike Deca It is extremely androgenic, and some consider it a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM).
Using Tren is turning to the dark side. There is no other steroid as toxic as Tren. There is no human grade Tren, It is made in peoples kitchens all across the world by dissolving cattle implant pellets. Trenbolone is used to bulk up cows and bulls before the slaughter so there is more meat yielded. Obviously the health of the steer is irrelevant. This do it yourself chemists dissolve the pellets in chemicals then bottle it for human injections. The chemicals are toxic to your kidney. As it is extremely androgenic it causes women who take it to masculinize. Deepening voice, clitoral enlargement, facial hair growth to name a few. Insomnia, Anxiety and Aggression, is common with androgens, but Tren is an animal all its own. Psychotic symptoms are common, like paranoid schizophrenia and homicidal ideation. The urban legend of “Roid Rage” started with Tren. Its likely to cause men to either lose hair, gain acne, or both. This depends on your particular genes, but most men get some of one or both.
Why on earth would anyone use this? It is immensely powerful. Tren is steroids on steroids. nothing and I mean nothing gets results like Tren. It Binds very strongly to the androgen receptor bumping off lesser anabolic steroids and hormones. Its 5 times as potent as testosterone. It has special functions to increase IGF-1 utilization and satellite cell migration, accelerating muscle growth in an alarming fashion. It speeds metabolism, and burns fat directly. It inhibits aromatase which stops estrogen production and thus decreases fat accumulation. it blocks the cortisol receptor to stop muscle from being broken down. Tren increases red blood cell production and speeds healing time. It has the special ability to make more of what you eat turn to muscle, and less turn to fat.
Curiosity Piqued? Click here for more info!
Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside. The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only. All claims are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise. Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.
Friday, March 21, 2014
The Most Important Factors for Losing Fat and Gaining Mass
By Todd Lee M.D.
Its amazing how easy it is to be hung up on the trees and miss the forest. People are so hung up on superfoods, anti oxidants, fiber, raspberry ketones… the list goes on and on. What people are missing is the most important 2 things to body alteration: Math and Hormones.
Energy is measured in calories. Math is used to measure this energy and a well constructed diet uses math to put you in a mild calorie surplus or a moderate calorie deficit. The energy of the body is adjusted with consuming and burning calories. Matter can neither be created or destroyed, so if you add more energy to your system than you burn you can change that energy into matter or you just burn more. If your hormones are right, then you build muscle with that energy. If your hormones are wrong then you store the energy as fat.
If you burn more energy than you consume then you can either destroy your structure, or feed off your energy supplies to make up the difference. If your hormones are right, you use stored energy found in fat cells to make up the difference, If your hormones are wrong then you keep your energy reserves, and tear down your muscles so your metabolism lowers to adjust to your energy intake.
The foods you eat, when you eat them, the combination you eat them, and your exercise routine can all be used to influence your body to have the right hormonal environment to help you accomplish your goals. In addition to these critical steps, prohormones and other supplements can help you tip the scales so your dirty bulk becomes a lean mass build, or your crash diet becomes an unveiling of your masterpiece; YOU!
For more details on the hormones and how to optimize them, click here for the full article!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
By Todd Lee M.D.
Do you want a drug that is homemade? Super harsh on your liver? Guaranteed to shrivel your balls? Damaging to your cholesterol? And may cause irregular permanent changes to your heart? Then Winstrol is for you!
Winstrol is a synthetic oral 17 alpha methylated anabolic steroid. Its a modified DHT molecule that will be active if administered orally or by injection. Although in theory it can build muscle, its unlikely to do so, its used almost exclusively for cutting.
Winstrol is good for a few things, It is great for boosting Strength. However this is offset by brittle joints and tendons, so a little goes a long way. It is super dry, it will dry out your whole cycle because it eradicates SHBG and inhibits Aromatase. These and the fact that it directly burns fat are the main reasons it is used in cutting cycles for the past 40 years.
If you want to know a safer and legal way to replicate the benefits of Winstrol but avoid the side effects check out the full article here!
Do you want a drug that is homemade? Super harsh on your liver? Guaranteed to shrivel your balls? Damaging to your cholesterol? And may cause irregular permanent changes to your heart? Then Winstrol is for you!
Winstrol is a synthetic oral 17 alpha methylated anabolic steroid. Its a modified DHT molecule that will be active if administered orally or by injection. Although in theory it can build muscle, its unlikely to do so, its used almost exclusively for cutting.
Winstrol is good for a few things, It is great for boosting Strength. However this is offset by brittle joints and tendons, so a little goes a long way. It is super dry, it will dry out your whole cycle because it eradicates SHBG and inhibits Aromatase. These and the fact that it directly burns fat are the main reasons it is used in cutting cycles for the past 40 years.
If you want to know a safer and legal way to replicate the benefits of Winstrol but avoid the side effects check out the full article here!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Deca: Best For Mass
By Todd Lee M.D.
“If you can’t grow on Deca you can’t grow!” that’s the common expression, but is it true? In one study it was shown that 200 mg of Deca only put about 5 solid pounds on test subjects. In contrast a new study on the prohormone 1-Andro showed it put 4 pounds of muscle and burned 7 pounds of fat in calorie deprived test subjects. Thats pretty shocking. Deca is supposed to be the most purely anabolic drug out there. It doesn't convert to DHT so it is very mild in regards to androgenicity. and it only converts to estrogen at 20% the rate of testosterone. This low degradation rate would seem to imply it is very anabolic, especially with its binding affinity to the androgen receptor being 34% higher than testosterone. How could a prohormone be stronger?
1-Andro converts to 1-Testosterone. It doesn't convert to estrogen or DHT and it does not bind to the progesterone receptor. Some reports which i find far fetched indicate it binds 7 times stronger to the androgen receptor than regular testosterone.
For more details on deca and links to the studies Click here!
For more details on 1 -Andro and links to that study Click here!!
Monday, March 17, 2014
LG Sciences Natadrol Is Back!
LG Sciences Natadrol is back! Buy 2, Get 1 Free Plus a FREE GHenerate! Only Valid until Wednesday, Get it while it's hot!
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Digestion: How Does Your Body Work
By Todd Lee M.D.
Ever wonder what happens when you stick things in your mouth, chew and swallow? Its actually really complex. Your gastrointestinal system, or GI is so complex in fact it has its own nervous system, its own set of hormones, its own immune system, its own organ just for filtering toxins!
Carbohydrates are digested as soon as they hit your mouth. Amylase digests these carbs and then the simple sugars which are produced bind to your tongue and begin to signal your pancreas to produce insulin. Carbohydrates can pass through the lining of your mouth and into your bloodstream. These are then transported to end target organs like the brain muscle and kidney by the blood and absorbed because of the actions of Insulin on these end organ cell membranes.
Protein and fat are more complicated. When food hits your stomach the stomach detects 2 main things: if what you swallowed is 92% liquid then it is just absorbed like water. If its 90% water or less then your body treats it like food. Also if what you swallowed has enough fat in it then the GI system slows down and the pyloric sphincter is closed. Then the stomach begins churning the stomach contents as acid is released to dissolve the food to mush. After a few hours the mush is released into the intestines. This is where the pancreas injects pancreatic enzymes and bile. The food mush, bile, and pancreatic enzymes form Chyme.
Chyme then moves through your remaining small intestine, the Jejunum and the Ilium. This is where the nutrients are absorbed through the villi. whatever chyme isn't absorbed by the time it reaches your colon enters the colon and is now considered feces. This is because the colon has no nutrient absorption, it just absorbs water and electrolytes to dehydrate the feces for elimination. In your colon there are lots of different types of bacteria which digest the fiber in your diet and any undigested and absorbed food. If you're having gas and bloating, then your eating something you can't digest and or absorb and the bacteria in your colon is.
for more details and how to ensure your supplements are absorbed and not mixed with chyme and eliminated as feces, effectively flushing your hard earned money down the toilet, click here!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Get A Chest Like A God!
By Todd Lee, M.D.
Chest training is very frequently poorly understood and poorly excecuted. Here are some basic concepts to understand. The Pectoralis is the Muscle people think of as the ‘Chest’. It has 2 origins and 1 insertion so technically it has 2 heads. The origin of the lower chest is on the sternum and the origin of the upper chest is the clavicle. Its this clavicular head that makes the chest look impressive on men and when developed there won’t be a collar bone. The sternal head when developed by women presses the breasts up and makes them look better.
The problem many bench-o-holics have is they think that the bench press is how you get a good chest. often people protract their shoulders and only get anterior delts and rotator cuff impingement. The trick with chest training is is to RETRACT your scapula, or pull your shoulders back and down. this and not coming down so far the load is transferred to your shoulders keeps the shoulders out of the movement and keeps the tension on the chest. By not locking out your arms at the top of the movement you keep the load off the triceps. The point of working your chest is to work your chest, not all your pressing muscles.
For more chest training tricks and a detailed chest routine I used to win my class at the 2012 IFBB North American Championship click here!
Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside. The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only. All claims are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise. Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.
Chest training is very frequently poorly understood and poorly excecuted. Here are some basic concepts to understand. The Pectoralis is the Muscle people think of as the ‘Chest’. It has 2 origins and 1 insertion so technically it has 2 heads. The origin of the lower chest is on the sternum and the origin of the upper chest is the clavicle. Its this clavicular head that makes the chest look impressive on men and when developed there won’t be a collar bone. The sternal head when developed by women presses the breasts up and makes them look better.
The problem many bench-o-holics have is they think that the bench press is how you get a good chest. often people protract their shoulders and only get anterior delts and rotator cuff impingement. The trick with chest training is is to RETRACT your scapula, or pull your shoulders back and down. this and not coming down so far the load is transferred to your shoulders keeps the shoulders out of the movement and keeps the tension on the chest. By not locking out your arms at the top of the movement you keep the load off the triceps. The point of working your chest is to work your chest, not all your pressing muscles.
For more chest training tricks and a detailed chest routine I used to win my class at the 2012 IFBB North American Championship click here!
Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside. The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only. All claims are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise. Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Nicotine and BodyBuilding
By Todd Lee M.D.
Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside. The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only. All claims are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise. Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.
Do you want a drug that boosts fat burning from Visceral fat stores? Boosts focus, alertness, concentration and arousal blunts pain response? Want to improve your memory? Prevent Alzheimers? Increase the speed you learn? A drug which can also relax you? Calm your nerves? Dull pain? A drug which can treat depression, OCD, anxiety, ADHD, Epilepsy and Schitzophrenia? You already have it. Its Nicotine.
Nicotine is not smoking. Smoking is bad for you because you’re inhaling toxic combustible materials. I’m talking about the plant alkaloid that functions as a neurotransmitter. There are plenty of ways to administer nicotine; gum, patch, and vaporized water.
Now there are direct negative effects of Nicotine use. Most of these are actually the effects of nicotine activating the neurotransmiters that generate nicotine’s benefits. Acetylcholine, noreprinephrine, epinephrine, beta-endorphine and dopmine. All these can have a number of seemingly unrelated effects. Increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, dry mouth, gastric distress and a number of autonomic nervous system minor symptoms. The worst of them all is that when Nicotine increases your learning it also is extremely addictive because addiction is a learned behavior.
Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside. The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only. All claims are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise. Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.
Do you want a drug that boosts fat burning from Visceral fat stores? Boosts focus, alertness, concentration and arousal blunts pain response? Want to improve your memory? Prevent Alzheimers? Increase the speed you learn? A drug which can also relax you? Calm your nerves? Dull pain? A drug which can treat depression, OCD, anxiety, ADHD, Epilepsy and Schitzophrenia? You already have it. Its Nicotine.
Nicotine is not smoking. Smoking is bad for you because you’re inhaling toxic combustible materials. I’m talking about the plant alkaloid that functions as a neurotransmitter. There are plenty of ways to administer nicotine; gum, patch, and vaporized water.
Now there are direct negative effects of Nicotine use. Most of these are actually the effects of nicotine activating the neurotransmiters that generate nicotine’s benefits. Acetylcholine, noreprinephrine, epinephrine, beta-endorphine and dopmine. All these can have a number of seemingly unrelated effects. Increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, dry mouth, gastric distress and a number of autonomic nervous system minor symptoms. The worst of them all is that when Nicotine increases your learning it also is extremely addictive because addiction is a learned behavior.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Tanning Alternative That Prevents Skin Cancer Burried By US Government
By Todd Lee M.D.
Melanotan and it’s improvement Melanotan 2 are amazing hormones. Melanotan 2 increases Melanin production so normal sunlight tans you much much more efficiently. A good tan protects against skin cancer and this is the safest way to do that, unless you freckle and or have moles. This fantastic drug is illegal in the US and not approved as a perscription medication because it has a profitable side effect; It causes erections. Pharmaceutical companies want to make money and don't care about curing cancer if they can make more money giving people boners. Because of this Melanotan 2 has been tied up in erection research for 18 years.
Melanotan 2 is very popular in Europe which has less Draconian drug laws. In Europe having a gram of drugs isn't worse than murder. Because of this people are willing to risk the legal slap on the wrist to avoid skin cancer and look great doing it. In America alcohol is legal, but marijuana is not. In equally ass backwards fashion, tanning is legal but Melanotan 2 isn’t. Why is it illegal? Because the people with moles and freckles get darker moles and freckles. Dermatologists are worried this can cause melanoma. In other words it will protect everyone from skin cancer, but might cause a few people to potentially have an increased risk of one of the 3 main types of skin cancer. No, it doesn’t make sense to me either. Especially since its visually apparent who is at risk. Remember, alcohol is involved in 50% of homicides and its still legal.
In case you’re not sold yet, Melanotan 2 up regulates GLUT-4 transporter gene expression in muscle. This means it improves insulin sensitivity of muscle. This means it helps/prevents diabetes, helps build muscle, and helps burn fat.
Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside. The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only. All claims are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise. Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Cycle Construction
By Todd Lee M.D.
Lets be real, do you know why you take the things you do? Do you know why they are taken at what times and in what amounts and not other times and not in different amounts? You do? Awesome. Now do you know how they will work when your on other supplements? How one influences the metabolism and effectiveness of the others? Ahhh, I got you.
For 50 years human experiments have been constructed in Gyms across the world to create the Steve Rogers super serum, all so one can be Captain America! But most of the time there is a lab accident and the result is just another Hulk. So here I will lay out what the Broscience has determined and why it works, and what legal prohormones you can use to replicate it safely and legally. Will it work? Yes if your diet is Perfect and you train like your trying to drop dead of a heart attack. If you don’t push your body to the brink of death it won't change, doesn't matter what you swallow or inject.
This is the gold standard. “Test is best” and “If you can’t grow on Deca and D-bol, you can’t grow”. The D-Bol is used to Kick start the gains until the Deca Kicks in. The Test is in there to keep your sexual function and sex drive in place while your growing like a national deficit.
With Prohormones you dont need the D-bol to kick start the cycle; the prohormoes start right away. 4-Andro converts to Test and 19-Nor Andro converts to Deca so those are all you need, use as little as you can, only take more if you plateau. Since 6 - Keto converts calories which would turn to fat into muscle you would be a fool not to add it in.
This will either rip fat off you or swap fat for muscle depending on your calorie intake. Your body will reform from a shapeless blob to as hard as a diamond with almost daily visual changes. The Tren does all the real work, The test keeps your sexual function and drive up and the Masteron inhibits any aromatase activity and attacks fat directly. The Winny is redundant with the Masteron.
The Prohormone variants are 1-Andro converts to a dry Testosterone, Trien converts to Tren, Epi Andro converts to DHT and 17 -OHP converts to Winny.
For more details click here!
Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside. The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only. All claims are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise. Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.
Lets be real, do you know why you take the things you do? Do you know why they are taken at what times and in what amounts and not other times and not in different amounts? You do? Awesome. Now do you know how they will work when your on other supplements? How one influences the metabolism and effectiveness of the others? Ahhh, I got you.
For 50 years human experiments have been constructed in Gyms across the world to create the Steve Rogers super serum, all so one can be Captain America! But most of the time there is a lab accident and the result is just another Hulk. So here I will lay out what the Broscience has determined and why it works, and what legal prohormones you can use to replicate it safely and legally. Will it work? Yes if your diet is Perfect and you train like your trying to drop dead of a heart attack. If you don’t push your body to the brink of death it won't change, doesn't matter what you swallow or inject.
This is the gold standard. “Test is best” and “If you can’t grow on Deca and D-bol, you can’t grow”. The D-Bol is used to Kick start the gains until the Deca Kicks in. The Test is in there to keep your sexual function and sex drive in place while your growing like a national deficit.
With Prohormones you dont need the D-bol to kick start the cycle; the prohormoes start right away. 4-Andro converts to Test and 19-Nor Andro converts to Deca so those are all you need, use as little as you can, only take more if you plateau. Since 6 - Keto converts calories which would turn to fat into muscle you would be a fool not to add it in.
This will either rip fat off you or swap fat for muscle depending on your calorie intake. Your body will reform from a shapeless blob to as hard as a diamond with almost daily visual changes. The Tren does all the real work, The test keeps your sexual function and drive up and the Masteron inhibits any aromatase activity and attacks fat directly. The Winny is redundant with the Masteron.
The Prohormone variants are 1-Andro converts to a dry Testosterone, Trien converts to Tren, Epi Andro converts to DHT and 17 -OHP converts to Winny.
For more details click here!
Nothing in this article or on this site should be considered medical advice or as an endorsement to violate any law of the country in which you reside. The information given is for fun and entertainment purposes only. All claims are 100% dependent upon proper diet and exercise. Please consult a medical practitioner prior to any diet and exercise program.
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